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Bible Study Lesson 48

What God Want Man To Ponder And Realize
 A.  To Whom God's Message Is Addressed And Why
 B.  What Does God Want Men To Ponder And Realize
 C.  Examples: How People Justify Their Wicked Works
 D.  Man's Problems Does Not End When He Dies
 E.  How God will Judge All Men For Their Sins
 F.  A Sinful Man Is Likened To A Beast Or Animal
The Kind Of Man That God Chose For Himself
 H.  Man Should Not Let Himself Die Like A Beast
 I.   Man Should Die A Righteous Death




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Bible Study Lessons
 48A.   To Whom God's Message Is Addressed And Why


Listen to this, all you people!
Pay attention, everyone in the world!
High and low, rich and poor-listen!

(Psalms 49:1, NLT)

48A.1   To whom did God address His call or invitation?  

In  Psalms 49:1-2, this is recorded:

Hear this, all you peoples; Give ear, all you inhabitants of the world,
Both low and high, Rich and poor together.
(Psalms 49:1-2, NKJV)

Through His servant King David,
God addressed His call or invitation to all men all over the world, irregardless of their status in life - low and higher, rich and poor.

48A.2   Who among the people does God want most to heed His call?

In Psalms 49:6, this is written:

those who trust in their wealth and boast of the abundance of their riches? (Psalms 49:6, NRSV)

God wants those who trust in their wealth, and those who boast about their riches, to heed His call. God wants them to listen.

48A.3   Why does God want the wealthy to heed His call?  What does God want them to know about their wealth?

In Psalms 49:6-9, this are written:

They trust in their wealth and boast of great riches.
Yet they cannot redeem themselves from death*by paying a ransom to God.
Redemption does not come so easily, for no one can ever pay enough
to live forever and never see the grave.

God wants men of to realized that wealth and great riches is of no use, for it cannot redeem them from death. Their wealth—no matter how large it is—will never be enough to pay in order to live forever and never see the grave.

48A.4   What further proves that wealth and great riches is of no use to redeem a man from death?

In Psalms 49:16-17, the Holy Bible further proves:

So don't be dismayed when the wicked grow rich, and their homes become ever more splendid. 
For when they die, they carry nothing with them. Their wealth will not follow them into the grave.

God wants men to also realize that, man will carry nothing to his grave.  Their wealth will not follow him into the grave.

48A.5   Who else among the people did God want most to heed is call? 

In Ecclesiastes 2:14-16, this is recorded:

For the wise person sees, while the fool is blind. Yet I saw that wise and foolish people share the same fate.
Both of them die. Just as the fool will die, so will I.
So of what value is all my wisdom? Then I said to myself, "This is all so meaningless!"
For the wise person and the fool both die, and in the days to come, both will be forgotten. (NLT)

God want men to realized that, that wisdom does not make a wise man better off that the fool when they die.  Fools and wise men will meet the same fate which is death. So how does a wise man die? As the fool!


God addressed His call or invitation to all men all over the world, irregardless of their status in life—low and high, rich and poor, wise and fool.

  • God wants those who trust in their wealth, and those who boast about their riches, to heed His call. God wants them to listen. God wants men to realized that wealth and great riches is of no use, it cannot redeem them from death. They can never pay enough to live forever and never see the grave.  
  • God also want men to realized that, wisdom does not make a wise man better off that the fool when they die.  Fools and wise men will meet the same fate which is death. So how does a wise man die? As the fool!   


Please Continue Lesson 48B.  What Does God Want Men To Ponder And Realize


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07/23/2008 02:50 AM

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